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BIM Products Eptar-Architera

Architerra Plus 3.0

ArchiTerra is the solution for ArchiCAD users to create and manage 3D terrain models. It is a useful tool especially if you need to work with large sites, allowing the insertion of other elements such as roads, plateaus, buildings and others.

ArchiTerra was developed and created to solve a particular problem for ArchiCAD users: the creation and management of tridimensional land models.

ArchiTerra helps to create solutions for terrains by drawing your own site or importing data from different types of files, like DXF, Text or Shape files and allows you to work and visualize the morphology in 2D and 3D.

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Main Features of ArchiTerra

  • Railway
  • Railway crossing
  • Railway bridge option in the existing bridge tool
  • Bridge tool: the possibility to place bridges and overpasses
  • Redesigned road: expanded with curbs and bisecting lines
  • License borrowing: get for limited time (7 days) the activation key offline. After this time period the key become online again. This option is but permanent, and you can use it at any time. It can be ordered for your existing license, too.
  • Color Slopes of the morphology and contour lines in 2D and 3D
  • Management of the terrain using polyline or fill
  • Creation of plateaus, roads, sidewalks and cross sections with the earthmoving icon
  • Insertion of street furniture such as trees, buildings and other elements
  • Insertion of the heights and objects
  • Creation of a more lifelike environment for the project
  • The camera tool allows you to walk in the terrain
  • Controlling the project’s environmental impact while still in the planning stage
  • Export in Text (txt) file
3 Dimensional Terrain Model
Import of GIS Data
Improved Social Import
Generation of Terrain
3 Dimensional Terrain Model

3 Dimensional Terrain Model

  • ArchiTerra is an affordable addition to Archicad that provides increased functionality for terrain and landscaping. The terrain model can be easily edited and supplemented with everything from roads, buildings, trees and you can combine functions from ArchiTerra with objects and tools from Archicad. You can easily color parts of the model, generate length profiles on roads and find elevations anywhere in the terrain.
  • Also included is Norwegian-adapted SOSI import, which contains functions for automatic generation of 3D terrain, existing buildings and correct floor plan with, among other things, neighboring boundaries, building lines, etc.
  • In addition, a separate function has been added to be able to georefer reference models according to Statsbygg’s BIM manual and recommendations given by buildingSMART. You can also import dxf files and text files with x, y, and z coordinates.
Import of GIS Data

Import of GIS Data 

  • ArchiTerra enables the import of GIS data and terrain data from the following formats:
  • SOSI (in Norway only): all object types. (landscape form, building data, plan data and other information that is geometric.
  • SHAPE (.shp) Landscape shape and objects.
  • .DXF (from Autodesk) Data suitable for generating landscape model, with filtering of points for triangulation.
  • .xyz or .txt. Bullet lists, with terrain data, .kof can be used after some processing in Excel. Point clouds can be imported in .xyz format, and filtered (minimum distance between points can be defined) before generating a terrain model.
Improved Social Import

Improved Social Import

  • Using ArchiTerra, you can import map data in SOSI format into Archicad as a 2D map, and you can create terrain models very quickly. You can also use 3D data from SOSI, such as. buildings, to generate models of existing buildings and building facilities. Importing a set of SOSI files and generating a terrain as well as an environment model only takes a few minutes and is really easy to do.
Generation of Terrain

Generation of Terrain

  • ArchiTerra quickly generates terrain models with optional triangulation distances based on selected data from imported files, or possibly manually entered data. The terrain can be generated in given coordinates or georeferenced according to the procedure given by buildingSMART, which is also referenced in Statsbygg’s BIM manual.
  • Slope analysis can also be made as different colors of triangles with different slopes.
  • ArchiTerra has functions for creating roads in terrain and plateaus. The length profile on the road can also be generated and modified. Simple mass calculations can also be performed.
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