About US

Growing Together

Providing technology and transition for AEC Industry workflows that increases Productivity & Profitability through improved Collaboration and Communication amongst internal team and other stake holders.


Give Designers Reliable Technology so, they can Design Incredible Buildings.

OUR Achievements 

Years of Experience

Doing something for 15 years needs Discipline, Dedication and Determination. We are sure we have this and it would take us many more years.

Team of Skilled Pros

We are architects with BIM knowledge and understanding. We are aware that every design practice has a different approach and mission

We Love Challenges!

We know that every technical challenge is making new neuron connection in our brain and we are growing with every neuron connection.

Passionate Users

Earning passionate and loyal Archicad users is what we consider as our biggest achievement. All of our users are mentors for us.

OUR story

The Founder

Shivang Rajvir

Shivang Rajvir

Founder and the brain behind DIMENSION PLUS. Passionate about BIM and other emerging technologies.

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