BIM Advocate in India!

by Sep 29, 2023Case Studies, Blogs, Newsletter0 comments

Welcome Shivang – The BIM Advocate from India!

Shivang starts off by letting you know that he’s not actually deep in the jungle, but outside an architecture college, all set to begin an exciting BIM lecture! 😃

He’s also super passionate about tackling what he playfully refers to as BIM pollution 😆

From Lazy Architect to BIM Advocate

Shivang’s journey with BIM began in 2002 when he was a second-year architecture student. He always sought smart ways to work and was frustrated with the limitations of manual drafting and 2D CAD software. He wanted a tool that would allow him to streamline the design process and enhance communication with design faculty.

Shivang’s BIM Journey: From Lazy Architect to BIM Master

It was during this time that Shivang discovered ArchiCAD, a BIM software that spoke his architectural language. He fell in love with its graphical capabilities and decided to continue his architectural journey with ArchiCAD.

From Architectural Desktop to ArchiCAD

After graduating in 2007, Shivang opened his own architecture practice and was approached by Graphisoft, the company behind ArchiCAD, to become a partner. Recognising the value of sharing his knowledge and expertise with others, Shivang started India’s first Graphisoft authorised training centre in 2008.

Through his training centre, Shivang not only taught others how to use ArchiCAD but also became involved in selling the software directly. This experience further solidified his belief in the power of BIM and its impact on productivity and profitability.

To Know more about The Three P’s of BIM: Productivity, Profit, and Prototype, visit here.